2-Day Intensive Workshop: APRIL 2021

English language culinary arts programs in Tokyo, Japan

2-Day INTENSIVE Workshop with Elizabeth ANDOH

Class size is limited to 4 participants to provide the most effective learning environment & insure best Covid-Prevention Practices.

Monday April 12 (2021)
Tuesday, April 13 (2021)

Each day from 10:30 am – 4:30 pm in A Taste of Culture’s Tokyo Kitchen

Our theme in April is TAKÉNOKO (bamboo shoots). We will prepare fresh shoots from scratch and enjoy it in a variety of ways.

A Taste of Culture’s 2-Day Intensive Workshop is a fast-paced, in-depth, fully hands-on program. Workshops are scheduled on consecutive days to enable us to prepare some dishes that require elapsed time to complete.

After preparing and partaking of lunch on the first day we return to the kitchen to conduct a comparative tasting of key pantry items (kombu, miso, vinegar, soy sauce etc) and begin preparations for dishes to be finished and consumed on Day Two.

The after-lunch session on the final day is spent looking through Elizabeth Andoh’s extensive reference library, following up on participants’ questions and special interests (time permitting, we may prepare additional dishes). Time is set aside to assist those needing help with captioning images taken during the program.

A Taste of Culture’s mission is to empower participants in the ways of the Japanese kitchen, providing them with basic skills and knowledge regarding traditional, classical cooking methods, equipment, ingredients, menu planning, and food presentation. By focusing on essential foodstuffs and procedures, program participants will be able to recreate authentic Japanese cuisine no matter where in the world they may be.

The 2-day intensive program provides participants with a unique opportunity to delve deeply into Japan’s culinary culture as they rapidly gain practical experience in preparing a wide range of classic Japanese fare.

While our curriculum delves deeply into the thinking behind kitchen practices, the emphasis is on experiential learning and skill-building: mastering basic cutting and cooking techniques, and acquiring a comfortable acquaintance with a wide range of (classic Japanese) foodstuffs.

Attention is paid to applying washoku guidelines (balancing color, flavor and preparation methods) when menu planning. Workshop participants will acquire experience in many styles of food presentation: filling segmented bentō boxes; organizing and orchestrating small plates on a tray ichijū sansai style.

Depending upon the needs and requests of participants, menus can be vegan (plant-based foods exclusively), vegetarian (vegetables + eggs) or include fish, poultry and some meat.

Tuition ¥42,000 per person.


WASHOKU, literally “the harmony of food,” is a way of thinking about what we eat and how it nourishes us. The word describes both a culinary philosophy and the simple, nutritionally balanced food prepared in that spirit. In preparing our food we practice KANSHA – appreciation. Mindful of nature’s bounty, and the resourceful, hard-working people who help bring that abundance to table enables us to create handsome, wholesome meals that avoid waste, conserve energy, and preserve and sustain our natural resources


2-Day Intensive Program Request

Choose your menu

2 Session Workshop

What is your self-assessed language ability in Japanese? Language skills are NOT required, but when applicants have some ability to read and/or speak Japanese I try to take advantage of that to suggest additional references and activities.


Instruction at A Taste of Culture is in English. A Taste of Culture’s mission is to empower participants in the ways of the Japanese kitchen, providing them with basic skills and knowledge regarding traditional/classical cooking methods, equipment, ingredients, menu planning, and food presentation. By focusing on essential foodstuffs and procedures, program participants will be able to re-create authentic Japanese cuisine no matter where in the world they may be.

A Taste of Culture does not offer instruction in the preparation of raw-fish dishes. The topic of selecting and handling a variety of fish to be consumed raw, is a subject that I believe is beyond the scope of any short program I could deliver. However, the menu-curriculum at A Taste of Culture can include the preparation of sushi meshi rice combined with cooked, smoked, and/or pickled fish, egg, and vegetables. Techniques for rolling, pressing and layering can be included in the curriculum.

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