Kitchen Culture Cooking Club

EXPLORE and PRACTICE Japanese cooking in your own kitchen

About Kitchen Culture Cooking Club

Welcome to the Kitchen Culture Cooking Club, a community space providing encouragement to those who want to EXPLORE and PRACTICE Japan’s washoku wisdom in their own kitchens.

To facilitate this, themed projects will be posted to this page periodically. Project Assignments and links to relevant reference material stored on this site will be posted to this page. Anyone, anywhere in the world, with a sincere interest in Japanese food culture is welcome to browse the contents of this page and then replicate the themed project in their own kitchen.

For those who wish to display-and-discuss their projects with like-minded people, I invite you to join the KITCHEN CULTURE Cooking Club Facebook Group (formerly the TSUDOI Project), an interactive community space.


PROJECT Cooking with Early Summer Bounty

PROJECT Cooking with Early Summer Bounty

初夏の幸の料理 (shoka no sachi no ryōri)

The Japanese delight in cooking with seasonal produce and in the early summer that means making delicious dishes with new peas and beans.

Using the recipes below as a point of departure, create your own BOUNTY-of-EARLY SUMMER DISH using fresh green peas and/or fava beans. Then share your dish with us at Kitchen Culture Cooking Club.

Surinagashi Pureed Soup

すり流し汁 (surinagashi-jiru) is a delightful way to showcase fresh produce. The featured food in this case: new peas and fava beans. After shelling the legumes most cooks discard the pods in which they grew… and that is a shame (mottainai!). The pods contain water-soluable nutrients that enrich the liquid in which they are briefly simmered. Flavor is also extracted from the pods and transferred to the water, making it intensely flavorful.

Peas and favas are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin A, B6, C, and K; they are also an excellent source of fiber.

Download the recipe.


Mamé Gohan

そら豆ご飯 Sora Mamé Gohan (Rice Cooked with Fava Beans)

As spring begins to shift towards summer — the time on the culinary calendar known as shoka, in Japanese — legumes such as sora mamé (fava beans), are welcomed to Japanese tables .

This is a takikomi-style rice dish made with an intensely flavored stock (in lieu of water) infused with smokiness from the addition of roasted bonito flakes. Briefly blanched, shelled beans are the added to the cooked rice before serving.

Download the recipe.


Various STOCKS (dashi)

Many Japanese dishes are made with  dashi stock. Here are several kinds to choose from:

Standard Sea Stock (this recipe includes a variation known as oigatsuo or “extra smoky sea stock”) is made with kelp and fish flakes.

A simple vegan broth,  Kelp Alone Stock is, as its name suggests, made from just kombu.

A more complex broth called  Sankai Dashi is made from dried shiitake mushrooms and kelp.

Visit my Kitchen Culture blog to learn about KASHIWA MOCHI (柏餅) sweets for the Golden Week holidays.

Read my May, 2024 newsletter about Golden Week holidays.

Show Us Your Kitchen Project

Ready to SHARE YOUR KITCHEN PROJECT with others?

KITCHEN CULTURE Cooking Club members, head over to our Facebook Group. Not yet a member? Please join – membership is opt-in and free of charge.

Looking forward to seeing what you’re making in your kitchen…

Recipes and Resources

Stock (Dashi)

Dashi stock is essential to making soups and simmered or stewed dishes. Dashi is also used when making many egg dishes and all sorts of sauces, dips and dressings. Using good dashi will make a noticeable difference in the outcome of so many dishes you prepare.

Click to download recipes for (vegan) Kelp Alone Stock or Standard Sea Stock + Smoky Sea Stock

How to Cook Rice

In Japanese, the word for cooked rice, ご飯 GOHAN, is the same as the word for a meal, ご飯 GOHAN. Indeed rice is central to the meal.  Download the Rice with Mixed Grains recipe.

How to Prepare Sushi Rice

Sushi dishes are made with rice that has been seasoned (with sweetened vinegar) AFTER being cooked. Download the Classic Sushi Rice recipe.

Quick Pickles

The Japanese enjoy a wide variety of tsukémono pickles, many can be assembled quickly and are ready to eat within a short time.

Download a recipe for Quick-Fix Hakusai Cabbage.

PROJECT Cooking with Fish Sauce

PROJECT Cooking with Fish Sauce

There are lots of ways of using fish sauce. Here are a few popular examples: (top, left) NABÉMONO (hot pots that get assembled ahead and simmered at table) are often made with a seasoned broth. IKANAGO NABÉ seasoned with funky ikanago shoyu, is brimming with fish,...

Miso Soup

Miso Soup

An Honorable Bowl of Soup The Japanese have several words to describe their ubiquitous soup seasoned and enriched with miso. The prosaic miso shiru 味噌汁 is a generic word meaning "miso-thickened broth" while miso ji-daté 味噌仕立て is a functional, culinary term meaning...



In most Japanese households, miso soup is served daily, often as part of breakfast, though it could just as easily appear at lunch or dinner. Most Japanese have strong regional preferences when choosing what miso to use (details posted to Kitchen Culture blog); the...



Kumquats are called kinkan 金柑 in Japanese, meaning "golden citrus."  The fruit is native to south-east China where they have been cultivated for hundreds of years, though the scientific name is Citrus japonica. There are dozens of varities of kumquats but the round...

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