by Elizabeth Andoh | Nov 28, 2019 | Autumn, Recipes
Four varieties of kombu (left to right): Rishiri, ma, Rausu, Hidaka. Find out about the differences among kombu varieties and how best to make stock from them. 昆布の力 Kombu Power All varieties of kombu are rich in umami seibun, or glutamates; the essence of flavor...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Nov 22, 2019 | Recipes, Winter
In the nishimé assortment pictured here, lotus root, carrots and country potatoes have been simmered Kansai-style while dried shiitaké mushrooms and konnyaku braids have been prepared Kanto-style. NISHIMÉ・煮染め Hundreds of variations on this classic soy-simmered dish...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Nov 12, 2019 | Autumn, Recipes
Spinach ohitashi garnished with katsuo-bushi flakes. Spinach Steeped in Broth Hōrensō no Ohitashi ほうれん草のお浸し The verb hitasu means “to steep” and is the root of the word ohitashi, a classic dish frequently seen on Japanese restaurant menus, served at family dinner...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Nov 2, 2019 | Recipes, Winter
3-Colored Turnip Flowers 三色花蕪Sanshoku Hana Kabu Emblematic of Japan and its culture, chrysanthemums appear in many guises: as the exalted Imperial household crest (a special, layered 16-petal design), the “official” stamp of the Japanese government (passport cover),...