Nov 1, 2020 | Autumn, Recipes | 2 comments

Buddhist Cookery & Sesame Pudding

精進料理 Shōjin Ryōri・胡麻豆腐  Goma-Dōfu

Goma-dōfu, a creamy-smooth sesame pudding, is historically associated with fucha ryōri, a Chinese-style of Buddhist cookery that arrived in Japan with Zen Priest Ingen in 1654.

The pudding is a quintessential shōjin dish because the very act of preparing it exemplifies a virtue extolled in Buddhist practice (and Japanese society, at large): dōryoku… diligence. Making the pudding from scratch requires patience, time and above all diligent attention to the task at hand.

Not meaning to be disrespectful, there are a few (slightly) easier ways to make this yummy pudding. My recipe offers several “shortcuts” that still embrace kansha, the Buddhist sense of appreciation: Gratitude for both artisanal products (such as sesame paste) and modern technology (electric-powered gadgets).

Ready to try your hand at making this zen-inspired pudding? DOWNLOAD Creamy Sesame Pudding GOMA-DOFU

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