Kinoko Gohan

Oct 19, 2020 | Autumn, Recipes

Kinoko Gohan

Rice with Mushrooms

The Japanese call autumn’s many culinary pleasures Aki no Mikaku. Such pleasures include a glorious array of mushrooms. You, too, can celebrate the season at table by composing a menu that highlights this bounty. Kinoko Gohan Is an earthy pilaf that combines a variety of mushrooms with newly harvested rice (shin mai), A simple garnish of ao nori adds a bracing seashore aroma to the scent of the forest.
Or, create an autumnal landscape in your bowl: top your rice with carrot slices cut to look like maple leaves and a few shelled-and-cooked édamamé beans.

Download a recipe for KINOKO GOHAN 

DOWNLOAD instructions for making stock: Either Standard Sea Stock  or vegan Kelp Alone Stock 

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