PROJECT Adzuki: Sweet & Savory

PROJECT Adzuki: Sweet & Savory

PROJECT Adzuki: Sweet & Savory The adzuki bean 小豆 plays a prominent role in Japanese cookery, especially in the making of sweets… though savory dishes also abound. This Kitchen Culture Cooking Club PROJECT is about  exploring the many possibilities. I...
ADZUKI red beans

ADZUKI red beans

小豆・あずきADZUKI   (Vigna angularis) Written with calligraphy for “small” and “bean” these diminutive (about 1/4-inch, less than 1 cm) red beans play an important role in Japanese cookery, appearing in both savory dishes and in sweets. There are...


Four varieties of wild-caught salmon are commonly available in markets around the Pacific rim. Left, top to bottom + right: Sockeye (beni-zaké in Japanese) Coho (gin-zaké in Japanese) Chum (aki-zaké in Japanese) Chinook (kingu samon, in Japanese) 鮭・さけ・SAKÉ SALMON Fish...
Project Salmon

Project Salmon

SALMON・鮭・SAKÉ PROJECT SALMON is about preparing salmon, and sharing with fellow members of the Kitchen Culture Cooking Club a salmon dish that you make in your kitchen. Salmon lends itself to variety of cooking methods — it can be skillet-seared, steamed,...