by Elizabeth Andoh | Nov 11, 2022 | Autumn, Recipes
小豆・あずきADZUKI (Vigna angularis) Written with calligraphy for “small” and “bean” these diminutive (about 1/4-inch, less than 1 cm) red beans play an important role in Japanese cookery, appearing in both savory dishes and in sweets. There are...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Oct 10, 2022 | Autumn, Recipes
Four varieties of wild-caught salmon are commonly available in markets around the Pacific rim. Left, top to bottom + right: Sockeye (beni-zaké in Japanese) Coho (gin-zaké in Japanese) Chum (aki-zaké in Japanese) Chinook (kingu samon, in Japanese) 鮭・さけ・SAKÉ SALMON Fish...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Oct 10, 2022 | Cooking Club
SALMON・鮭・SAKÉ PROJECT SALMON is about preparing salmon, and sharing with fellow members of the Kitchen Culture Cooking Club a salmon dish that you make in your kitchen. Salmon lends itself to variety of cooking methods — it can be skillet-seared, steamed,...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Sep 25, 2022 | Recipes
In the photo above, there are five vertical columns, from left to right: KAMPYO (soaking in water with kombu; deep-fried to make chips; used as an edible tie for kombu rolls); KANTEN (sticks and powdered form, made into a savory bamboo shoot and asparagus aspic, lemon...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Sep 2, 2022 | Cooking Club
米の粉PROJECT: Komé no KonaRice Flour In Japanese cookery there are four types of rice flour that are commonlyused. One is made from uruchi mai or “table rice,” several are made from mochi-gomé or “sticky rice” and one is made from a combination...