by Elizabeth Andoh | Feb 20, 2022 | Cooking Club
Above, Four Examples of Nyūmen: Hakusai, Carrot and Shiméji (top left); Egg Drop, Shiméji and Scallions (top right); Chicken and Mitsuba with Sanshō (bottom left); Shiitaké, Shiméji, Carrot and Mitsuba. 煮麺 ・Nyūmen This Kitchen Culture Cooking Club PROJECT is about...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Feb 20, 2022 | Recipes, Winter
煮麺 ・NyūmenSōmen Noodles Served in Piping Hot Broth Sōmen is usually served chilled, often on chunks of ice. Dipped into a deeply flavored sauce to which condiments have been added, it becomes a survival strategy for hot, humid days. But in Kagawa Prefecture (Shikoku),...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Feb 7, 2022 | Recipes
柳原 一成 (追悼) A Tribute to Kazunari YANAGIHARA (1942-2022) Shortly after arriving in Japan, I became intrigued with its food and culture. My first forays into the Japanese kitchen were guided by my husband’s family, and by Tokyo neighbors and local shopkeepers. The more...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jan 25, 2022 | Recipes, Winter
鰤しゃぶ鍋Buri Shabu Nabé BURI (yellowtail) is fabulous in the winter! If you can source top-quality tenderloins of fish, you could opt for luscious slices of sashimi. Though my favorite way to enjoy fresh buri is swished-through-bubbling-broth buri shabu nabé – barely...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jan 25, 2022 | Cooking Club
Swished-through-bubbling-broth Buri Shabu Nabé (left) and Shōjin Shabu Nabé (right) しゃぶしゃぶ鍋Shabu Shabu Nabé This Kitchen Culture Cooking Club PROJECT is about making Shabu Shabu Nabé hot-pots in YOUR kitchen… and sharing with fellow members what you have made. The...