by Elizabeth Andoh | Jul 11, 2021 | Cooking Club
Bring a Bounty of Sea Vegetables to YOUR Table Resources and recipes for preparing three versitile sea vegetables: ARAMÉ, WAKAMÉ, and HIJIKI. Cooking with ARAMÉ Aramé is often listed as a substitute for hijiki in soy-braised nimono dishes. Like hijiki, aramé is dark...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jul 11, 2021 | Recipes
Celebrating the Bounty of the Seas The inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago have been consuming sea vegetables –KAISŌ 海藻 — for millennia. Early evidence of consumption of aramé, wakamé, and hijiki has been found in burial mounds dating back to the Jomon...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jul 2, 2021 | Cooking Club
Make FROZEN (amazake) ICES in your kitchen Using the basic description and recipe (for Banana-Ginger Ice) in the Kitchen Culture blog post, try making different flavors: Kuro Goma (Black Sesame), Matcha (Green Tea), and Ichigo (Strawberry) are especially tasty. KANSHA...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jul 2, 2021 | Recipes, Summer
Frozen Ices made with AMA-ZAKÉ Ama-zaké has been part of the Japanese pantry for thousands of years. During the Muromachi period (1392-1573) ama-zaké consumption took on a regional identity: In and around Kyoto, it was sipped in the summertime as a stamina drink to...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jun 12, 2021 | Cooking Club
Make a COLD NOODLE SALAD in your kitchen FIRST… choose your NOODLE: thread-thin sōmen … or thick, slithery-chewy udon … rustic wholegrain soba … or curly-springy chūka soba. NEXT… decide if you want to serve your noodles DIPPING-STYLE...