Project Tomato Salad

Project Tomato Salad

TOMATOES combine well with both land and sea vegetables, and with cold noodles too, to make a variety of SALADS. This Project Tomato Salad is about creating your own “house” salad featuring tomatoes. To start you off, here is a recipe for enjoying tomatoes...
Project Shaved Ice

Project Shaved Ice

PROJECT Shaved Ice is about making Japanese-style kaki-gōri confections. Strawberry Sauce Many people top shaved ice with fresh fruit or commercially prepared syrups. But for those who would like to make their own, here is a simple-to-make STRAWBERRY sauce. Note the...


PROJECT New Tea is about brewing and enjoying NEW TEA (shin cha 新茶)… Please try YOUR hand at preparing new tea (available online and in specialty shops around the world). And when you do, share your kitchen activity with us: post to KCCC. Please include photos...
Project Flower-Inspired Rolled Sushi

Project Flower-Inspired Rolled Sushi

Flower-Inspired Rolled Sushi Use your imagination to create rolled sushi inspired by flowers. To get you started, here are some basic recipes: This recipe for CLASSIC SUSHI MESHI includes instructions on cooking and seasoning rice, and information on the wooden tub in...
Project RED Foods and Tableware

Project RED Foods and Tableware

Recipes for Red Foods Generations of Japanese have been well nourished daily by modest meals following a simple pattern: soup, rice, and a few other dishes. This easy-to-compose menu model called ichi jū san sai (一汁三菜 ) that satisfies hunger while fulfilling...


NAGA NEGI・長葱 Indispensible in nabé (hot pot) cookery, as a condiment and in soups all parts of naga negi (Allium fistulosum) are edible. Plan from the start to use the plant fully. If your naga negi have roots attached, wash them thoroughly to remove all the dirt that...