PROJECT: Osechi-Making

PROJECT: Osechi-Making

PROJECT Osechi-Making December is a busy time… The Japanese aptly call the final month of the year shiwasu, written with calligraphy for “professor” 師 and “running about in a tizzy” 走. In Japan shiwasu is a time of frenzied activity that...


In Japan today, two types of Western-style potatoes are regularly enjoyed: mékuin (May Queen) and danshaku (“Baron”). The former was developed in Great Britain at the beginning of the 20th century and made its way to Japan via America shortly thereafter....
Project Potato

Project Potato

PROJECT POTATO Most white-fleshed potatoes generally fall into either of two categories: fluffy OR waxy. Fluffy potatoes are high-starch and tend to crumble when simmered; they are perfect for mashing, and when making korokke (croquettes). The Japanese often describe...
TONBURI: Caviar of the Fields

TONBURI: Caviar of the Fields

The Japanese eat a number of “unusual” foods, and TONBURI (とんぶり) surely qualifies as one of them. Tonburi are the seeds of Kochia scoparia/Bassia scoparia,  also known as 箒草 hōki-gusa. Branches of the mature kochia plant are crafted into hōki brooms (yes,...
Project Tonburi

Project Tonburi

PROJECT TONBURI Tonburi, the seeds of the broom plant, are tiny and black-green in color. Because they mimic the appearance and mouthfeel of sturgeon caviar tonburi is often referred to as  hataké no kyabia (“caviar of the field”).  Akita prefecture in the Tohoku...