by Elizabeth Andoh | Sep 4, 2023 | Cooking Club
PROJECT TAKIKOMI GOHAN Takikomi-style rice dishes are cooked in a flavorful stock extracted from the ingredient being featured (in this case, MUSHROOMS). Takikomi rice is truly a delicious way to enjoy seasonal bounty. Download a recipe for KINOKO GOHAN to get...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Aug 2, 2023 | Cooking Club
OBON cookery: Cucumbers & Eggplant Project OBON is about eggplant and cucumber cookery. Why eggplants and cucumbers? These vegetables reach their peak of flavor during the summer when Obon is celebrated. And, the vegetables are fashioned into transportation for...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Aug 2, 2023 | Recipes, Summer
Rooted in Buddhist tradition and practice, Obon is the time when spirits of the departed are believed to return to this world for a short, annual visit. It is not a morbid occasion but rather a pleasant and respectful way for younger generations to stay connected to...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jul 17, 2023 | Cooking Club
TOMATOES combine well with both land and sea vegetables, and with cold noodles too, to make a variety of SALADS. This Project Tomato Salad is about creating your own “house” salad featuring tomatoes. To start you off, here is a recipe for enjoying tomatoes...
by Elizabeth Andoh | Jul 17, 2023 | Recipes
Originating in Mesoamerica about 7,000 years ago, tomatoes arrived in Japan early in the Edo period (1603-1868) having traveled the globe and being domesticated along the way. The first tomato plants in Japan were considered an ornamental — they were not...